The European Commission has recently approved a budget of 4 million euros from H2020 funds for the preparatory phase of E-RIHS PP – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase.
Italy (CNR) is the leader country of E-RIHS PP, whose partners are 15 Member States plus Israel. E-RIHS PP brings together scholars and professionals experts in human and natural sciences – archaeologists, art historians, anthropologists, paleontologists, restorers, conservation scientists, just to name but a few – who recognize the need of an integrated approach by developing together Heritage Science.
The aim of E-RIHS PP is to create a unique research infrastructure distributed around Europe and aggregated in national nodes able to offer access to cutting-edge tools, innovative methodologies and data organized in four platforms: MOLAB (the mobile facilities for non-invasive analysis in situ); FIXLAB (consisting of synchrotrons, neutron sources, accelerators for dating and characterization of artistic, archaeological and anthropologic materials); ARCHLAB (that includes archives of physical data unpublished, preserved in prestigious European museums, galleries and research institutes); DIGILAB (for the direct access to data stored in databases and digital libraries).
The operational phase will start on January 2017 and last for three years (2017-2019). During this period governance, financial plan, rules, logistics and the legal and operational headquarter of the new European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) will be discussed under the Italian leadership.
The participation of ICCROM in this initiative will help E-RIHS involve extra-European countries and become a Global Research Infrastructure under the Italian leadership.
For more details, click on CNR press release