Opening time from October 7 to October 27, 2024

As the leading research infrastructure of the H2IOSC RIs Cluster, we are excited to announce that the first H2IOSC TNA/NA call is now open!

The H2IOSC RIs Cluster offers free Trans-National Access (TNA) and National Access (NA) to the advanced digital services of CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT,, and OPERAS-IT.

The call is open from October 7 to October 27, 2024 

These services, implemented in the H2IOSC project, enable innovative research on complex digital data and objects in the humanities, language science, and heritage science domains.

Who can apply
Academics, industrial researchers, PhD candidates, technical staff, and students engaged in research can apply individually or in teams. After a preliminary technical evaluation, applications will be assessed based on scientific excellence, originality, and quality of the proposal.

List of services

For this first call the services available are provided by CLARIN-IT (EpiLexO Editor, eScriptorium), (ATON), and DARIA-IT (RAISE, TIGRO). for H2IOSC


ATON is an open-source framework to present and interact with 3D models and scenes on the web, primarily targeting Heritage Science communities. Its adaptive presentation layer allows interactive, liquid 3D visualization – ranging from mobile devices, museum kiosks, workstations, up to immersive XR devices – without any installation required for final users.

Categories: 3D Presentation; Immersive Visualization; PWA; Data representation and Visualization; Data curation and Preservation; Data collection

Providers: CNR ISPC | Operating Unit Naples and Rome


EpiLexO Editor

 EpiLexO is a web-based platform designed to create, edit, and link lexical resources for ancient languages. It helps historical linguists encode multilingual lexicons and connect lexical data to inscriptions, bibliographies, and other external Linked Open Data resources.

Categories: Data representation & Visualization

Providers: CNR ILC | Operating Unit Pisa


eScriptorium is a web platform which integrates Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) and cooperative proofreading of automated transcriptions.

Categories: Data Processing; HTR & Proof Reading

Providers: CNR ILC | Operating Unit Pisa



RAISE is a suite of tools and services for GLAM resources FAIRification, built as a modular and scalable workflow focused on data collection, mapping, modelling and visualization. It enables the creation of custom LODs integrating data on cultural heritage objects created and managed by Libraries, Archives and other Memory institutions with other information gathered by researchers.

Categories: Data processing; Data curation and preservation; Data representation & visualization; Query and data extraction

Providers: CNR OVI | Operating Unit Florence


TIGRO is a software for the lexicographic and linguistic analysis of textual corpora. It introduces also a set of procedures for FAIR principles implementation, providing a flexible, scalable and reusable solution for textual data analysis.

Categories: Query and Data Extraction; Data Representation & Visualization

Providers: CNR OVI | Operating Unit Florence

Do not miss the opportunity to participate in the H2IOSC RIs Cluster development, access unique resources and receive full technical and scientific support throughout your research project! 

Submit your application here: 

For all details and required documentation, visit the website:

For any questions, 

Deadline for submission: 27 October 2024.

The H2IOSC Project – Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud has received funding from the European Union – Next Generation EU – NRRP M4C2 – Project code IR0000029 – CUP B63C22000730005.