Access: refers to legitimate and authorized physical, remote and virtual admission, to the interactions and use of the research infrastructures and the services offered to users. Such access may be granted, among other things, at machine time, IT resources, software, data, data communication services, authentication services, sample preparation, archives, collections, creation, execution and dismantling of experiments, education and training, expert support and analytical services.
Best practices: the most significant experiences, procedures or actions, or in any case those which have made it possible to obtain the best results in the cultural heritage sector.
Equipment: the instruments supplied to a Facility.
Facility: the set of methodologies, data and high-level scientific tools to promote knowledge and innovation in the field of heritage sciences, offered to users by the provider.
Access grant: the access authorization obtained after the positive evaluation of the project.
Heritage ScienceHeritage science draws on diverse humanities, sciences and engineering disciplines. It focuses on enhancing the understanding, care and sustainable use of heritage so it can enrich people’s lives, both today and in the future. Heritage science is an umbrella term encompassing all forms of scientific enquiry into works of man and combined works of nature and man of value to people.
Research infrastructures: they are structures, resources and services used by the scientific communities to conduct research and promote innovation in their fields. They include scientific equipment (or set of tools), knowledge-based resources such as collections, archives and scientific data, electronic infrastructures, such as data and information systems and communication networks, and other essential tools for achieving excellence in research and innovation. They can be "single-site", "virtual", and "distributed".
Open Access: is a method of publication of the material produced by the research (scientific articles published in academic journals or conference proceedings, book chapters, monographs, or experimental data) that allows unrestricted (or with limited restrictions) legal access the Intellectual property.
Peer Review Panel:is a group of independent international experts, recognized for their experience in the field of conservation and scientific studies on cultural heritage, which evaluates the scientific content of projects and classifies proposals.
Provider: refers to the laboratory / body / institute belonging to in charge of providing access to the infrastructure and its services.
User Helpdesk: is aimed at providing technical and / or information assistance / support and, where necessary, acting as an intermediary between the user and the provider.
Utente: the "users" of research infrastructures can be individuals, groups and institutions from academia, industry and public services. They are engaged in creating new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and project management. Groups can include researchers, graduate students, technical staff and students who participate in research as part of their studies. User group refers to a research group of one or more researchers who have access to the infrastructure following the approved project proposal. A user group is led by a user group leader.