E-RIHS.it is the Italian node of the European research infrastructure for Heritage Science. E-RIHS.it offers access to cutting-edge scientific tools and knowledge in the sector and organizes PhDs and high-level training schools on advanced non-invasive diagnostics applied to Cultural Heritage.
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The first H2IOSC RIs Cluster call for Transnational and National Access is Now Open

Opening time from October 7 to October 27, 2024 As the leading research infrastructure of the...

Apre il 1° luglio 2024 la quarta call per l’accesso ai laboratori mobili di E-RIHS it – Scadenza: 30 settembre 2024

Lunedì 1° luglio 2024 si apre la quarta call per l'accesso ai laboratori mobili di E-RIHS it. Le...

TRAINING CAMP 2024 – Digital Heritage Camp: 3D Surveying Training in Sermoneta Castle and Ninfa Park – August 26 – September 7

Understanding the best strategies and techniques for planning, executing, and completing a...

The term Heritage Science refers to the interdisciplinary domain of the scientific study of cultural and natural heritage. Heritage Science sciences and engineering disciplines and focuses on the understanding, care and sustainable use of heritage. to improve its knowledge, conservation and sustainable use and preserve it for the future of the next generations.

E-RIHS community

EventsRead all

H2IOSC General Meeting: the project partnership meets stakeholders

H2IOSC General Meeting: the project partnership meets stakeholders

Enhancing research in humanities and cultural heritage The “H2IOSC General Meeting” event will be held in Rome on February 6-7, 2024. The event will occur at the Sala Convegni of the National Research Council headquarters in Piazzale Aldo Moro 7. The H2IOSC project...