The term Heritage Science refers to the interdisciplinary domain of the scientific study of cultural and natural heritage. Heritage Science sciences and engineering disciplines and focuses on the understanding, care and sustainable use of heritage. to improve its knowledge, conservation and sustainable use and preserve it for the future of the next generations.
NEWSRead all
H2IOSC: The second call for Transnational and National Access to advanced digital services is now open | Deadline: February 2, 2025
As the leading research infrastructure of the H2IOSC RIs Cluster, we are pleased to announce that the second H2IOSC TNA/NA call is open! The H2IOSC RIs Cluster (Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud) has opened the second call for Trans-National...
An Italian-English collaboration in cultural heritage applications | Seeing Invisible: how to reveal the secrets of art with non-invasive techniques
A collaboration team of CNR ISPC, Milan, Italy and STFC’s Central Laser Facility, Oxfordshire, UK has established an effective method based around advanced non-invasive Raman spectroscopy for cultural heritage applications. They are now routinely using micro-Spatially...
ARCHE consultation on Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for Cultural Heritage | Deadline: November 15, 2024
The ARCHE project has launched a public consultation for the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Cultural Heritage. This initiative will set research priorities for future European projects starting in 2026,...
EventsRead all
The E-RIHS Public Event: Celebrating 20 Years of Access -Florence – September 24, 2024
Celebrating 20 Years of Access to Cutting-Edge Facilities in Heritage Science On September 24, 2024, the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase project (E-RIHS IP) will hold a public event at the Manifattura Tabacchi in...
Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research July 7-12, 2024-Switzerland
An exceptional lineup of speakers and discussion leaders to delve into advanced scientific methodologies and cutting-edge technologies The Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research GRC is a premier international scientific conference focused on advancing the...
H2IOSC General Meeting: the project partnership meets stakeholders
Enhancing research in humanities and cultural heritage The “H2IOSC General Meeting” event will be held in Rome on February 6-7, 2024. The event will occur at the Sala Convegni of the National Research Council headquarters in Piazzale Aldo Moro 7. The H2IOSC project...