NMR depth profile/ NMR relaxometry: NMR-MOUSE
Portable Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR-MOUSE) is an instrument available at MOLAB to perform in situ analysis on mural paintings, easel paintings, wood and cellulose based manufacts, polymers, and lapideous materials. The analysis can be performed from the surface up to 1 cm in depth in a non-invasive way. The main applications are:
- Measuring water content and moisture (2D mapping).
- Studying the stratigraphy in paintings and composite objects by applying a micrometrical resolution to measure thickness layers and to evaluate detachments and micro-fractures.
- Evaluating consolidating, protective and cleaning products.
- Measuring open porosity, tortuosity and porosity distribution in porous materials.
- Evaluating and mapping the degree of degradation and physical-chemical properties.
- Measuringdiffusion and transport of solvents in paintings, gels and porous materials.
In the laboratory, three different types of portable NMR instruments are available:
- 1.NMR-MOUSE relaxometry (BRUKER) is equipped with three RF coils operating between 16-18 MHz (1H), allowing measurements at fixed depths of 1, 3, and 5 mm. Primarily used for moisture detection and mapping. The instrument also comes with an adjustable height stand (40-190 cm).
- NMR_MOUSE depth profile (PM10) (BRUKER electronics - Magritek probe) is equipped with an RF coil operating at 13 MHz (1H) with a magnetic field gradient of 14 T/m. The probe is mounted on a small lift that enables scanning up to 1 cm depth, with steps ranging from 20-100 micrometers. Measurements include relaxation times (Saturation recovery), T2 (CPMG), diffusion coefficient (SE, STE), proton density profiles (CPMG), and a portable scaffold adjustable in height from 50 to 170 cm. This instrument is primarily used for measuring depth profiles in panel paintings, sculptural artefacts, and porous stone materials.
3.NMR-MOUSE depth profile (PM2) (Magritek) is equipped with an RF coil operating at 20 MHz (1H), with a magnetic field gradient of 60 T/m. The probe, mounted on a small lift, allows scanning up to 2 mm depth, with steps from 10-100 micrometers. Measurements include relaxation times (Saturation recovery),2 T2 (CPMG), diffusion coefficient (SE, STE), proton density profiles (CPMG), 2D T1/T2 maps, and T2/Diff maps.1This instrument is primarily used for varnishes, coatings,2canvas paintings2/Diff. e di un ponteggio portatile regolabile in altezza da 50 a 170 cm. Lo strumento è usato principalmente per vernici e leganti, coatings, dipinti su tela; carta e cuoio.
Valeria Di Tullio valeria.ditullio@cnr.it
Noemi Proietti noemi.proietti@cnr.it