Preparatory phase

E-RIHS in the next future: the Preparatory Phase

E-RIHS is expected to lead a Preparatory Phase in the years 2017-2020 which will be used to address legal status and governance/management organization. This will lead to application to ERIC (or to other suitable legal form). The establishment of a legal structure and governance and the refinement of the business plan for long-term sustainability will be the three most important deliverables, together with demonstrators of users access as implemented by the consortium availing of the existing infrastructure projects.
E-RIHS is expected to be launched as a stand-alone RI in 2022. Further developments are planned for connecting and including partners and facilities outside EU, and gradually reaching the status of a global distributed research infrastructure.

HERITAGE SCIENCE is a cross-cutting domain embracing a wide range of research disciplines supporting the various aspects of tangible and intangible heritage conservation, interpretation and management.
Heritage science is founded on the interdisciplinary combination of knowledge from arts and humanities (conservation, archaeology, history, art history, ethics etc.), and from science and technology (chemistry, physics, mathematics, anthropology, biology, geology, computer sciences and engineering, etc.).
Heritage science supports the various aspects of tangible and intangible heritage conservation, interpretation and management.
Heritage Science